TCP/IP, Network Administration

We talk about what TCP/IP is, when it appeared, what it is used for, and its place in the OSI model.

Protocols are specialized sets of rules that help organize the transfer of data from one computer to another. The tcp ip protocol is the set of protocols that is most commonly used today. File transfer, remote login, and even email are all supported by them.

Let’s explore the tcp ip protocol family to learn more about what it is, as well as its features and benefits. Let’s also break down what a tcp ip stack is and what tcp ip models exist.

Administration – management procedures that regulate some or part of a process. As a rule, it captures and manages processes and situations that need to be limited or targeted.

Network Management occurs when the network administrator has the need and opportunity to operate a unified network representation, usually in the case of networks with a complex architecture. In this case, the transition is made from the management of the functioning of individual devices to the analysis of traffic in certain areas of the network, managing its logical configuration and specific operating parameters, and it is advisable to perform all these operations from a single management console.